Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh Snap.

I recieved this comment in response to My Real Life Story  that talks about my husbands struggle to overcome an addiction to perscription meds.

"you sound like a typical co-dependent who needs to attend 12 step meetings as much as your husband does. truly, you are in a great deal of denial and need to get some education on addicts and addiction. do it for your children, please! "

I really want to post a snarky response to this but my heart breaks for you. I am so sorry that you are obviously dealing with the same problem.  You must have not read the entire post seeing as how I clearly embrace recovery from being co-dependent and do attend 12 step meetings with my husband twice a week. I also encourage anyone dealing with addiction to attend meetings as soon as they can.  You are in my prayers!

Love your guts,
Mandi @ Vintage Revivals


Jayna Rae said...

I haven't read your story yet, but I totally will right now. People are so rude, even about sensitive issues. JEEPERS!!!!

Unknown said...

I want to comment, but I am just in complete shock of how rude people can be. Ugh. I wish I would have saved the rude comment I got on my blog about my kids. I could have posted it here.

Unknown said...

I'm just sitting here shaking my head at the sad person who said that. I can't even respond...

Judy C said...

I read the blog, the answer. I sat with it for a while and got angrier and angrier. I am not a mean person. But I have to say that having known the 12 step program intimately, The First Thing Learned is that each person's recovery is their own. No one can tell someone else how to recover. Ever.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Wow. First, thank you for unselfishly sharing such a personal and intimate journey. I am sure that by doing so, you have helped people in a similar situation and have given them hope.

(Of course, probably not the person who left that comment, being as they didn't actually read the post before leaving their comment...)

Lori E said...

Although I have had only one real snarky comment I have had many where the person didn't read my whole post and kept on commenting on something that was already stated to be not the topic of the post but simply a side piece. Over and over they commented about B when I stated so clearly that this post is not about B but about A.
Now my post was just silliness. Yours is a heartfelt important post and to not read it all and then comment like that is so ignorant.

Unknown said...

So brave, caring, and empowering of you to share your story in the first place. Personal stories and education efforts on real life, happens more than you realize, issues like what you've struggled with are to be applauded.

Re: your responder... Pity them? Pray for them? I don't know. I feel so aggravated on your behalf. Perhaps it's plain ignorance or denial on their part, or you hit something close to home. (I'm kinda feeling that ignorance might be the answer, though.)

Sorry you received such a negative response to sharing a part of yourself with your "fans and followers". This one thanks you for being so open and honest!!

Unknown said...

Like my daddy always says, "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." Clearly, this person didn't take the time to figure out the whole story to know exactly how you've managed to deal with your experiences.

Sharing personal things is hard to do and you were brave to take that step. Particularly as an LDS women where these things are so taboo. I found your story heart-warming and have shared it with a couple of people who are walking a similar path.

I love YOUR guts! Keep being real. The haters will always hate. Nothing we can do about that except for maybe call them out on it and use their ignorance for entertainment value!

Melissa O said...

Is this really happening. I am seriously dumbfounded. I mean I just don't get it. I felt like your story was inspiring. Your honesty made me want to be a better person. For the simple fact that we don't know everyone's back story. We don't know what people are going through. Who is this person to judge. It honestly hurts my insides that there are people like this. Give me a break. For someone to write that they are thinking that they are better and for thinking that alone they have some growing up to do and repenting.

Meshell said...

Sharing your journey was very helpful to so many. Thank you for not allowing this evil person to break your spirit.

Lisa said...

I have left you comments on your REAL STORY before so I won't bore you again! ( I get strength from it everyday, dealing with our own REAL STORY). But I do have to say, when SHE gets to #9 i bet you hear from her again!!

Stephanie said...

Honestly I think you are amazing. We deal with many things in our house right now not addiction but illness. I always think to myself it's not his fault so I will be here to lift and help him as much as possible. Then I read your story and my thought process changed to reflect upon the atonement. No it's not my husbands fault that he's sick but I would hope that in any illness by choice, addiction or not I would be there for any loved one and never give up on recovery. You're right to feel sorry for them. Your marriage is stronger bound because of what you've gone through together. Jesus was with the most lowly of people during his life on Earth & they are the ones that loved him most.

Stephanie said...

and still do ;) Love your guts!

Rochelle Barlow said...

What's funny is I *just* read your My Real Life Story post and was just at a loss of words. In a good way. I was so touched by your story, totally felt the spirit in your family's road to recovery and happiness. I am so honored to have read about that part of your life. I am amazed by your courage and strength to share it. Then I read this comment and nearly died. Your response is amazing. How noble of you. I wish I could say that I would do the same, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't. Or I would try to and then 2 minutes later be swearing up a storm. This person must be the swine that just wants to trample on people's pearls. If you know what I mean. I know that it has touched someone's heart that needed it. Love your stinkin' guts!